Friday, December 17, 2010

October 14, 2010 To the National Republican Congressional Committee, FairTax takes pride in its status as a single-issue and non-partisan movement.

October 14, 2010

To the National Republican Congressional Committee,

FairTax takes pride in its status as a single-issue and non-partisan movement. For that reason, we encourage your committee to understand its benefit as an important issue for any congressional candidate. We believe Republican candidates and voters will benefit from an honest, fact-based, truthful debate about the FairTax. If your committee finds itself advertising against any Democrats who support the FairTax, we urge you to avoid distorting the facts about the FairTax plan.

First, the FairTax plan would repeal all federal taxes based on income and completely close the Internal Revenue Service. It eliminates the following federal taxes: income tax, gift tax, capital gains tax, estate tax, alternative minimum tax, payroll tax and Medicare tax, to name a few. Further, the FairTax plan would implement a prebate system wherein a basic level of consumption, including food, clothing and shelter, are not taxed.

In this election season, candidates are displaying their support of the FairTax, and recent experience has shown that candidates who stand their ground are gaining ground with voters.

Historically Republican voting constituencies would be major beneficiaries of the FairTax. For this reason, we suggest that your smarter choice would be to embrace the FairTax rather than attack candidates who support it.

The FairTax does not make a judgment about the size of the federal government, or how it should spend the people’s money. The FairTax is just about a better way to collect the money needed to run the federal government that is more transparent, more efficient, more conducive to economic growth, and, yes, even fairer to all.

One can have a legitimate debate about whether they support or oppose the FairTax. But no one can justify dishonesty in public discourse about this serious issue for our country.

1 comment:

Seeker said...

I loved fairtax until I read the fine print.

You have heard "the devil is in the details" right?

Well, how about this "detail" Fairtax has tried to hide. Far from a transparent simple tax, close reading of Fairtax shows it's much more than just a "simple" tax on people.

In their fine print, Fairtax shows it's a massive NEW tax. A tax they don't mention, except in 2 sentences.

Two sentences in the back of books, years apart. In fact, they didn't even admit this part of the tax for 10 years!! And when they did admit it, they put it on page 138, in one sentence.

The "detail" is that Fairtax is a massive new tax on city and state governments.

Read the following:

“Under our plan, all city and state goverments will pay to the federal government a tax on all their spending — on all their purchases, and on anything they pay for, including services and labor (wages).”

Fairtax -The Truth. Answering the Critics. Page 138.

Also — the other sentence.

“The Federal government ITSELF will become a major taxpayer”

Fairtax Book, page 148.

In other words, Fairtax is based on taxing city and state governments.

The money for the FEDERAL government, is going to come largely by a tax on city and state government!

The reason they hid this massive new tax - is that they know it's utter nonsense. They know they can't tax make city and state governments pay massive (or any) direct taxes to the federal government.

But they HAD to pretend that a 23% tax on people would "be revenue neutral" -- bring in enough money.

They have never mentioned this "tax on government" in their hype. Never shown a list of states -- and give an estimate of how much each would have to pay.

They would have such a list -- they would need such a list -- just for their own estimates. Just to add up the expected revenue.

There is no list of states, with an estimate of how much each will pay. NO list of cities, either.

Why? Because Fairtax leaders know it's nonsense.