Thursday, December 16, 2010

:11 < republican_devil> netbsd prety nice 00:11 < jhell> shit netbsd runs on everything 00:11 < republican_devil> almost 0 press 00:11 < twiggz> netpb

:11 < republican_devil> netbsd prety nice
00:11 < jhell> shit netbsd runs on everything
00:11 < republican_devil> almost 0 press
00:11 < twiggz> netpbsd lacks apps.
00:11 < republican_devil> id use netbsd over most anthing but fbsd, archlinux, possibly nixos
00:11 < twiggz> its worse than openbsd in the application department.
00:12 < jhell> its even been installed on a Motorola Pager
00:12 < twiggz> yeah, and thats useful HOW?
00:12 < twiggz> its really not.
00:12 < republican_devil> what about the 900 nokia phone that runs leenuuxxx
00:12 < jhell> hell if I know lol
00:12 < republican_devil> anyone get netbsd on that?
00:12 < hosler> i want to try freebsd/gentoo isntall
00:12 < swills> bored.
00:12 < twiggz> gentoo is for ricers.
00:12 < twiggz> today, gentoo is a joke
00:12 < hosler> i use gentoo, and what is a ricer?
00:13 < republican_devil> archlinux won the linux wars 4 years ago
00:13 < twiggz> they dont even have a real stage 1 anymore.
00:13 < republican_devil> there are no contenders
00:13 < republican_devil> fbsd has only zfs to comete

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