Friday, May 28, 2010


Date: 2010-05-26, 8:40PM PDT
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1 commnuism fails
2 corporatism is when corporations buy off government power, more of it the more to buy eh
3 public school failed, end it
4 firemen and police men dont an eocnomy make
5 2008 and great depression were from government banking, remember that
6 obama spent 5x bush war in fist 6 months
7 fed counterfiets money
8 chris dodd was #1 paid politician by fannie mae and freddie mac #1 and both led to 2008
9 All the phd econmics who learn the failed idea of john keynes didn't predict 2008
10 the austrain school of economics IS economics, keynes is just an illogical politician
11 inflation is caused by governmetn photocopying million dollar bills, with same effect as if you did it at home, runaway infaltion and stealing of ownership
12 jobs are a goal, productive jobs are
13 there is no global warming, its a fake cause to get government money for free for lazy shitbags
14 universities get lots of free money which is taken from taxpayers for research, what do the taxpayers get back? certainly not free tuition!
15 why computers don't take over alwyering is that its a scam to again make tons fo $$ through the government [aka courts aka yes again the government]
16 why housing isn't cheaper and mass produced is that governmetn collect taxes on property so want real estate to be hugely expensive
17 governmetn stifles massive innvation
18 anyone who is not a democrat just by not spending zillions they dont have, and thus not ensuring infaltion and higher taxes with defificts, is beter
19 obama won't talk about the simple fix to deficits: cut government spending, just cut a lot of it tons of it
20 there should be less patents, they simply stifle competition
21 there should be less fivilous lawsuits [again dems]
22 end UN and world bank and fed [government meddling got us gr8 depression and 2008]
23 no race studies in school, USA is one people, immigrants must adapt not other way around
24 a man should be able to force an abortion for a baby he doesnt want because he owns the spem inside the woman, which sure she owns her ebody yes, but that isn't the problem, and fi not she absolves the man of paying on cent
25 no paying people to not work, form centers where productive projects liek housing are being built and anyone can get productive job, no more money for nothing, and same for pensions and union bullshit health care pensions
26 if governmetn mandates something liek health care then governmetn must provide it, none of this bullshti obama make it mandatory without providing service, that si utter bullshit
27 pretty much end all nonn science education, and end all welfare for mental crap
28 end speed limits
29 one thing the governemtn can do better is insurance, since insurance cant be run for profit

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