Thursday, October 20, 2011

[05:29] not capitalism as misecuated moron reported spew [05:29] there is a wrod for crony giving $$ for his friend [05:29]

[05:29] not capitalism as misecuated moron reported spew
[05:29] there is a wrod for crony giving $$ for his friend
[05:29] fascism
[05:29] communism
[05:29] socialism
[05:29] omg
[05:29] free amrket is way out
[05:29] fredom and competition
[05:29] gavino: Given your opinion, has the US ever been on "the right track"?
[05:29] you, Sir, really have no clue what these terms mean
[05:29] it si not inevitable
[05:29] I swear to god, if I was physically near him, I'd fucking smash his face against a wall
[05:29] a free overnemtn fights that kindfa cronyism socialism and commnuism
[05:29] I feel sorry to say
[05:29] fightign communism is the way out
[05:29] liberty
[05:29] freeodm
[05:29] mux: There is that risk, yes.
[05:30] you should occasionally read a history book instead of "Atlas Shrugged"
[05:30] but such a degree of wrongness is so infuriating
[05:30] dont give in to msieducate dmrons
[05:30] dont vote democrat
[05:30] dont believ in class warfare
[05:30] thats all misecuation
[05:30] miseducation lead sto the scoialist corrptuion that rsulted in 2008
[05:30] gavino: I come from a union family!
[05:30] he's cute in a way, like a retarded kid who's bumping into a wall
[05:30] end all union pensions
[05:30] 0 them out
[05:30] repeatedly
[05:30] outalw all colelctiv ebargaining
[05:30] end all uions for governemtn jobs
[05:30] gavino: Now I'm filthy rich, and don't have to lift a finger. It's oh so sweet.
[05:31] union can bargain in free way with corps
[05:31] but no governmetn focing union on corp
[05:31] Of course, since I live in communist denmark, filthy rich just means I have a cart to my donkey, but still.
[05:31] no way
[05:31] communism is the way to go, communism is real freedom and equity among people
[05:31] no ooon friggin way
[05:31] union are holding abck mass prodcution
[05:31] and prosperity
[05:31] union are fine
[05:31] Stalin come back!!!
[05:31] jsut 0 gov rules u gota go union
[05:31] mux: I'm more of a social democrat myself, but I can see the appeal.
[05:31] save us!
[05:31] and ban union from gov job
[05:32] cuz that leads to socailism/fascism/communism bigtime
[05:32] reaosn unsions scream is they never ge so much $$ if people free to ignore them
[05:32] kill all the stupid repubicans and institue real economical justice!
[05:32] look at wisconsin
[05:32] gavino: What gov jobs? Isn't that what you're against to begin with? No taxes, no state, that whole thing?
[05:32] scott walkr tryign to free people from unions
[05:32] and huge bed wetting screaming
[05:32] cuz they know they getting too much $$
[05:32] they know it

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