Saturday, August 13, 2011

pathfinder and d&D 4e really suck

what the hell happened to gaming?
now everything a wakky mix of rules where you can stack shit to sky

nothing is realish

You have shitty things liek dargonborn and warborn or whatever as playable races wha the fuck is this shit

I mean add them but dotn make them liek ho hum cuz who in hell will then play a human paladin etc?

to me here are some basics:
ability scores must be mathematically scalable so a gorilla wihich is 8x human strength has strength 80 not 10 like normal human.

dexerity/speed reflexes should be much more important as to reflect the massive advantage of speed is in combat or athletics

crossbow bolts can kill you, so damage must some how separate with hit to is it a direct hit or what, same with backstab, since knife in back can kill you fast

nothing seems to reflect an injury hriting your fighting ability

yes a wounded bull can still gore soemoen but one for a few seconds until he bleeds out

there should be no waky limits on weapons for clerics or magic users, thats bs

the world should reflect incentive a bit, and no there should nto be magic items sold liek tic tacs all over, supply aand dmeand would make them massively expensive and make robbing the creator a common thing unless massively defended

magic should have a spell icrease in level, duraction, effect etcetc so a smpel spell can kick some ass in time, doesn't just have to have higher level spells

money shoudl jsut be dollars, so a dm can price shit, and no every place wont have every damn item, you gota hunt for some shit, this isn't wal amrt this is midieval level technology and politics

tunnels and trolls is nice but ability scores are non math levelled but seems more rational system

I also disliek classes. A character should be able to train for any ability they liek but get that its not liek 3 days traingin and ready to go lol

The worlds should be exotic and reality of danger should prompt heavy defenses of cities if they are of any size.
Cities should also tax characters n stuff so not all fun fun to go there.

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