Friday, March 26, 2010

installing aolserver 4.5.1 and tcl 8.5.8

=INSTALLING Aolserver 4.5

What are the advantages over any other web server?

20x Faster and massively scalable, and has all the features of an appserver builtin.

Phil Greenspun said it best:

notes on Installation: (read README)

get+compile your own tcl 8.4: (example)
./configure --prefix=/opt/tcl --enable-threads --enable-shared
make install

I pop it in my path:
ln -s /opt/tcl/bin/tclsh8.4 /usr/bin/tclsh

was a real bitch for me on Arch Linux this time around after it was easy before; until a guy named frankie on irc chat #aolserver (freenode server) gave me the following:

In aolserver-4.5/configure, comment out the below lines, and add right below them:
# case "$LDLIB" in
# *gcc*)
# LDLIB="$LDLIB -nostartfiles"
# ;;
# esac
LDLIB="$LDLIB -nostartfiles"
this now works:
/path/to/tclsh8.4 nsconfig.tcl -install /aolservers_new_dir
make install

In /etc/hosts you must have the ip of your nic matching `uname -n`
after you cp base.tcl to nsd.tcl; you must
chown -R your_user: /aolservers_new_dir

vi /etc/ and add path to tcl and aolserver /lib directory close and run ldconfig

cp -p base.tcl nsd.tcl

bin/nsd -ft nsd.tcl -u your_user & will start the server on port 8000.

then tune into http://your_ip:8000 and blam! your in bizness

fro a little guidance check out

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