Thursday, March 25, 2010

haskell user threads can use mutliple cores

11:32:43) jlouis: gavino: yes, GHC can. Look at the -N +RTS option
(11:32:50) maltem: ozataman, :(
(11:32:51) kmc: gavino, yes, Haskell programs compiled with GHC can fork millions of lightweight Haskell-level threads, which are mapped onto a configurable number of OS threads (usually, one per core)
(11:32:51) Cale: If you have more expected need to extend the set of operations that act on the data, then the "algebraic" approach that dmwit suggested is better.
(11:32:55) MisterN: Cale: your site doesn't load :(
(11:32:57) dmwit: MisterN: f :: Foo -> D -> D
(11:33:00) mtnviewmark: SoC project: Make cabal have an option to do --reinstall-same-version recursively!
(11:33:08) Cale: MisterN: Oh, that's odd. I'll check my DNS record.
(11:33:14) dmwit: Well, there's a lot of options, I guess.
(11:33:22) kmc: gavino, what's more, you can write programs that do work on multiple cores (but have the semantics of single-threaded programs) without thinking about threads at all
(11:33:23) dmwit: Anyway, there's certainly nothing wrong with what you suggest.
(11:33:32) maltem: mtnviewmark, better yet, have it track profiling
(11:33:51) kmc: gavino, see

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