Thursday, June 17, 2010

You might be a communist if.... (lol yeah niga!)

You might be a communist if.... (lol yeah niga!)
Date: 2010-06-17, 11:05AM PDT
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1 you steal from those who produce, and keep cash, while saying you are giving it to poor
2 you think governmetn should provide services by making rule that A should buy from B, not providing it itself
3 you think that once someone is taxed, then if they invest thier cash, you should tax them again if they do well but give almost no writeoff if they lose
4 you like bailing out monopolist government crony banks and insurance weasils with tax money [oow wait dems voted overwhelmingly more than repuclans for that?]
5 you hate free speech
6 you see world as race war not a war of production vs scarcity
7 you just don't liek capitalism and production since it doesn't let you choose tastes for people
8 you think you are smarter than others even when you can't produce anything
9 you ruin the eocnomy with government banking then blame the "free market"
10 you think raising taxes build an economy
11 you don't get that cutting governmetn spending allows groth of an eocnomy
12 you think a simple flat tax is worse than a convoluted corporatist monopolist crony system of semi communism
13 you think soviet russia was kinda cool
14 you think public education is a successful system that shows how we should run everything
15 you think letting the fed countrerfiet money 5x the price fo war in iraq and give money to friedns and amke deals with foriegn countries is good
16 you think israel is not a stolen patch of sand built with USA tax money that the USA owns
17 you think a man doesnt own his sperm even if its inside a woman who he fucked, and has no right to say hey non baby that sperm is mine, your body is yours but give me back my sperm
18 you just hate it when people do better than you, especially if they dont have a basket weaving degree
19 you think USA ever lost a war, liek viet name where we were ntoa llowed to fight full on by idiots in government
20 you think that non science side of schools should not be shut down, jsut ended
21 you think the common man is better off in rigid unionized industries where no oen can do anything without weird rules, and no one can adapt to change production to be improved
22 you think karl marx was an intellectual not a slob
23 you think michael moore could make money in soviet russian environemnt
24 you drive a car but think corporate products are evil
25 you own a mac
26 you think denzel washington is a good actor
27 you think bush caused 9-11
28 you think the fed is not all jews

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