Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's a blessing to be White. Date: 2010-06-26, 11:12AM PDT Reply To This Post Nope. No Meth addiction and I don't live in a trailer park. I have a gr

It's a blessing to be White.
Date: 2010-06-26, 11:12AM PDT
Reply To This Post

Nope. No Meth addiction and I don't live in a trailer park. I have a great job, and always will because I'm blond and blue eyed. I have everything in life that I want, and i got it because I'm White. People like me. People trust me. I don't have a criminal record. Buying a home is easier when you're White. Getting a great paying job is easier when you're White. Being Black or Brown is a curse. That's why your skin is dark, because you're a slave. you have always been and always be a slave. It's part of your genetic make up. You can't help it. So have your protests and your marches, and even a few riots. Whitey will always laugh at you then stomp you back into the ground where you belong. It's a White man's world, and you're allowed to live here. Oh yeah, the Obama thingy will backfire, but just to make a few of you shitskins scream quieter, he was elected. Hell, I even voted for him. I'm not a racist, just finally posting the factual truth. White people are more intelligent, more beautiful, and far more superior. Just get used to it. The sooner you come to grips with this, the happier you'll be in your pathetic excuse of an existence. Now, shut the fuck up, and get your shine boxes out. Behave. Think and act White and you'll see what a wonderful life it truly can be.

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