Thursday, January 21, 2010

not mine but funny @ obammma

Obama will start losing his cool (Freak-out-city)
Date: 2010-01-20, 11:09PM PST
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Obama never had to face repeated failures, and now it is starting to snowball. He won't pass Health Care. He won't pass Cap and Tax. He won't pass all his other favorites. He will have failed in employment reduction. Failed at job increases. He will fail totally in economy once this bounce stops. Inflation will kill him. Tons of new taxes are coming. He is losing seats. There will come a few disasters, true disasters politically with some scandal or another. I mean, how many Franks and Reid and bribes can they keep trying to dismiss. When shit really starts hitting the fan,, he will start to act up, be snappy like he was before about Michelle and the cops, he will start bitching. He has always had to blame Bush, but this will not work soon, and he simply does not have the integrity or backbone to face his failures on such massive levels. Can't wait to see him freak out Nixon style on camera, over and over.

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