Friday, December 11, 2009

rosycrew Hugo Aguilar

The Rosy Crew of the Three Spirits
founded by: Hugo Aguilar (click for email)

dedicated to: Libertarianism, Triadism and Utility-Money

and the overthrow of: Managed-Conflict, Blessedness and Fiat-Money

partially described in the book: Ramón Ratón
This website is a front for a secret society — the Triadists.

This website primarily discusses economics in terms of religion. Perhaps you have wondered why the IRS exists. Perhaps you have wondered why America pays welfare to drug-addicts and whores. Perhaps you have wondered why America pays foreign-aid to other nations. Perhaps you have wondered if international socialism (the "New World Order") is founded upon Biblical doctrine. This website will answer your questions, with humor when possible.

I (Hugo Aguilar) have been studying various secret societies, including the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Brotherhood of Death (Society of Skull & Bones), and so forth — some good and some bad. There are a lot of conspiracy-type books that discuss the role of secret societies in America. The most well-known is, "Rule by Secrecy" (Jim Marrs), but there is an entire shelf-full in the bookstore, and innumerable more among the banned books that are available. Essentially all of these books are founded upon the idea that secret societies are inherently bad, and that America would be better off if everything were above-board. A free exchange of information is necessary for the citizens to participate fully according to the "one-vote/one-citizen" principle. The authors believe that they are helping to defeat the "rule by secrecy" principle by shining a light on organizations such as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderbergs and the Trilateral Commission. The authors typically get highly riled up over the existence of secret societies in America. David Icke is so riled up about the Illuminati that he describes them as Reptilian. It seems unlikely that Dubya deserves any label beyond "dumb-ass," but Icke says that he is "Reptilian." Icke is one riled-up rabble-rouser!

My own take on the situation is completely different. It seems to me that secret societies are the standard method for gaining influence in America. Thinking thusly, I have resolved to start my own! Ruling by secrecy is definitely the way to go (especially since it is unlikely that I could get elected to any office). I don't try to convince everybody in America to join me, because most Americans are television-addicted imbeciles, and I would waste my breath talking to them about any idea more complicated than professional football. Instead, I will convince a relative handful of people in America to join me. We will create our own secret-society and we will "rule by secrecy" according to the formula described in Jim Marrs' excellent how-to guide. Our official poem, in fact, will be Arthur Hughes' famous rhyme:

Jack O' Lantern —
Up and down, up and down
I will lead them
I am feared in field and town
Goblin, I will lead them up and down.
Most libertarians have a fairly good understanding of what mind-control is. Strangely enough, they distain to use mind-control. I am not like this. I use mind-control routinely in my website. I am not too proud to get my hands dirty — I use mind-control because mind-control works. Similarly, most libertarians complain relentlessly that America is under the control of secret-societies. It doesn't occur to them, however, to form their own secret-society. That is what I am doing. I am a libertarian and my goal is to take over America, so the first thing that I do is start a secret-society. Obviously, the only way to take over America is with a secret-societies — that is how the game is played. Welcome to the Mind-Control Arena!

The Rosy Crew will be a social-engineering project, with creative advertising. It will be somewhat similar to the Freemasons, with a secret hand-signal, but without brick-and-mortar lodges. There is an oath that must be taken. We also have two that we celebrate. These two holidays are closely related to the oath.
The Rosicrucians got their start by disseminating three documents at one-year intervals: The Fama (1614), The Confessio (1615) and The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz (1616). Adam McLean says this in the introduction to Joscelyn Godwin's translation:

It seems that those who worked behind the Rosicrucian movement planned this very carefully. First they published the Fama which told of the existence of the Brotherhood. The Confessio followed a year later, suggesting the dawning of a new Reformation, though it also addresses some of the difficulties that the world would put in the way of such idealistic aspirations. ... Thus we have an idealistic announcement in the Fama, followed a year later by the more measured statement of the Confessio, which is capped after a further year by the publication of the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, [an] elaborate Hermetic allegory... In fact, it seems more than likely that the rumor and speculation stirred up by the Fama and Confessio would after a short time have come to nothing and faded from the public imagination without an actual appearance of the Brethren in the outer world. The Chemical Wedding solved this problem by showing the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross to possess a great mystery indeed, the mystery of inner transformation.
This is the technique that the Rosicrucians used. If it worked for them, it can work for me! This website is a loose combination of idealism and cynicism — a modern-day Fama and Confessio. I also have a book, Ramón Ratón, which is available for free in Adobe pdf format — a modern-day Chemical Wedding. The reader is encouraged to download this book and read it. If you find it interesting, then email the pdf to your friends. This book is the calling card for our secret society.

Don't worry; Ramón Ratón is not about alchemy. If you never could figure out what the heck The Chemical Wedding was about, you will find Ramón Ratón to be easier reading. Primarily, this book discusses the future of humanity. We are at a crossroads right now. We have built up our population exorbitantly and have seriously stressed the planet's carrying capacity. People are openly discussing the use of genocide to reduce the human population down to a more manageable level. It has become obvious that we can not continue at our current level, which is about ten billion. Many people believe that the AIDS epidemic in Africa is the first step in the genocide of the Third World — that AIDS is a bio-weapon designed to target Blacks, and that the talk about a homosexual link was just propaganda. Now we are starting a Crusade against Moslems. America is at the brink of the abyss! My book offers an alternative to genocide. I describe how humanity can continue to grow indefinitely — from 10 gigasouls, to 100 gigasouls, to 1 terasoul and beyond. I basically offer a plan to save humanity. If we take the genocide option, then we will be doomed. Once we begin murdering, we won't be able to stop. The killing will spiral out of control and our species will go extinct. My book offers an alternative to murder and extinction.

Ramón Ratón is a freebie. I have written other books, and will write yet more books, that will be published and sold in a more traditional manner. Specifically, I have written, Encryption for Kids (age 13+) Defeat the NSA!, and also: The Invisible Elephant — the effect of combined bankrolls on poker. Both of these books provide significant discussion of spiritualism beyond their nominal topics. Each is complete; only a publisher is lacking.

I also have two more books in the works. One is a novel (my first ever fictional tale), called: The Rabbit God. The other book is my major non-fiction work: Learning to Love Mind-Control — a textbook for the damned. This book, which is written for American high-school students, presents the assertion that mind-control is the standard style of living for humans. It is my hope that this book will become part of the curriculum in high-school. Earth is the "Mind-Control Arena." If you are gong to live on Earth, then you must become a gladiator in the Arena, for there is no escaping the Arena. Rather than become riled-up about mind-control, we would do better to accept mind-control as a standard aspect of being human. There are too many people in America who have failed to embrace mind-control. One such person is Jesse Ventura who even became governor of Minnesota on a platform of opposing mind-control. Another is Tammy Bruce, who wrote: The Death of Right and Wrong. It is obvious from the title alone that Ms. Bruce worries too much, and she does not love mind-control. By comparison, I encourage my readers to learn to love mind-control. We can not overcome mind-control until we have understood mind-control, and we can not understand mind-control until we have learned to love mind-control. Welcome to America!

Secret Society
This is the definition for a secret society:

secret society (n) An organization that presents a two-level message. There is an outer-message and an inner-message. The outer-message is a seemingly innocuous feel-good idea, and so it is easy to disseminate among the multitudes of shallow-thinking people. The inner-message is the important idea. It is typically much more complicated, and would be difficult to disseminate because it is only understandable by people with three-digit I.Q.s (about 15% of the population). The purpose of the outer-message is to help disseminate the inner-message. The outer-message is like a beagle that is welcomed everywhere, and the inner-message is like a virus carried by the beagle.
I wrote a book: Encryption of Kids — Defeat the NSA! While researching this book, I came upon the concept of "steganography." This is the technique for embedding an encrypted message inside of a seemingly innocuous message. For example, the data bits of the encrypted message can be embedded in the least-significant bit of each byte in a graphics (JPEG) or music (MP3) file. Graphics and music files contain data that is more precise than is necessary, and the least-significant bits are typically pretty much random anyway, so nobody should notice the difference. A byte contains eight bits, so the outer-message has to be eight times larger than the inner-message that it contains. With modern computers, this is not a problem, as everybody routinely deals with gigantic graphics and music files. It is a common hobby to take digital photographs and email these to friends. Many people also trade recordings of garage bands by email. Encrypted messages can be hidden inside of these and no outsider will know.

Learning about steganography, I noticed the similarity to secret societies. Lets say that somebody figures out something important, such as the meaning of life, and he wants to tell the world. One method for our hero, would be to write a document --- MeaningOfLife.pdf --- and email it to his friends, urging them to email it to all of their friends, and so forth. In his mind, he would imagine a chain reaction in which his idea would spread around the world at an exponential rate. In practice, this doesn't work. His friends don't read the essay because they are too busy watching television. Even if they do read it, they never get around to emailing it to anybody. The whole idea dies on the vine. Our hero could try a different method though. He could obtain a photograph of Hillary Clinton when she was still a man, and email this graphics file to his friends. The photograph would spread around the world at an exponential rate! Embedded in the least-significant bits however, would be the file: MeaningOfLife.pdf. Now our hero starts a secret society. Anybody can join and begin paying dues (or at least, buy a t-shirt), but only those who pass certain tests and prove themselves to be intelligent, graduate to the higher ranks in which they are given the passkey needed to decrypt the embedded file. They actually already have the file on their computer — everybody in the world does — but they had never known that it contained anything more than a graphics file. The receivers of the passkey would be sternly told that they must never allow the ungraduated rabble to obtain the passkey — under threat of a horrible death for themselves if they do betray the secret society in this manner. Of course, some whistle-blower will make the passkey public despite the threat of death — in an effort to give himself a sense of importance in society and also to provide an element of excitement to his otherwise boring life. Everybody in the world has the graphics file on their computer already, so they immediately decrypt MeaningOfLife.pdf and read the document with avid interest. This, of course, is what our hero wanted to happen all along! That is how secret societies work.

A good example of a secret society, is the Freemason organization. When Roslyn Chapel was built, the stonework encoded an encrypted message. Roslyn is like MeaningOfLife.pdf, except that it is built out of stone. Stone is a much more enduring medium than the CD-ROM. Roslyn was built by the St. Clair (Sinclair) family. They hired stone masons as independent contractors for the construction. The stone masons already had a trade guild, which they used to segregate the skilled workers from the unskilled laborers. The Sinclairs restructured this trade guild as a secret society — the Freemasons — by the addition of speculative mysticism. The purpose of the Freemasons was to be the keeper of the passkey needed to decrypt Roslyn. This doesn't mean that we should all join the Freemasons and, after working our way up the much-coveted 33rd degree, finally find out Roslyn's message. Unfortunately, the Freemasons lost the passkey a long time ago and they have been faking it ever since. They don't have any big secret that they are hiding. Nowadays, they really are just a fraternity of pudgy self-satisfied white-men of dubious sexual-orientation (J. Edgar Hoover), as well as a handful of black men who wish that they were white (Jesse Jackson a.k.a. Jesse Irksome). It would be a waste of time to join the ranks of men such as this.

Reading about secret societies, I came to the conclusion that every intelligent person throughout history has founded a secret society. Largely, I define intelligence as the quality of understanding how secret societies work — anybody who founds a secret society is intelligent, and anybody who does not is unintelligent. Intelligent people can be compared on the basis of how many centuries their secret societies survive. I have never been a believer in I.Q. tests. I think that I.Q. tests are primarily useful for quantifying stupidity. It is meaningful to say that a street monkey has an I.Q. of 70, 80 or 90. It may be somewhat meaningful to also quantify I.Q. in the 100, 110 and 120 range. From 130 and up however, I.Q. is no longer meaningful. Such intelligent folk really can't be described with a simple number. Intelligence gets complicated. This is why I have never taken an I.Q. test. I think that my I.Q. is most likely 130 or more, but I don't want to find out exactly. If I find out that my I.Q. is 130, then somebody will show up and say: "Well, my I.Q. is 131; what do you think about that?" Then I just hang my head and say: "Gosh!" The whole idea seems really dumb, which is ironic considering that we are supposed to be evaluating intelligence. We need a better method to compare the very intelligent. I propose that we assume that nobody is intelligent unless that person founds a secret-society. I further propose that we compare the intelligent on the basis of how long their secret-societies survive. If you found a secret-society that only lasts for 100 years, then you are only moderately intelligent. If you found a secret-society that lasts for 1,000 years, then you are highly intelligent. If you found a secret-society that lasts for 2,000 years, then you are extremely intelligent — and so forth.

Thinking thusly, I began to wonder if Jesus Christ might have been an intelligent man. I don't believe that he was a god — I think that he was a man — but I wonder if he was a man with an I.Q. of 130 or more. If he was walking around as a flesh-and-blood man, then he must have had an I.Q., in the same way that he must have had a shoe size. The point that I am making with this long-winded discussion of I.Q., is that I think Christianity is a secret society. The message that is presented by the Christian Church — that Jesus died for us, and that his bloody sacrifice redeems us from our sins — is the outer-message. This is the innocuous feel-good message that is easily disseminated among the multitudes of shallow-thinking people. There is an inner-message embedded within the parables that can only be decrypted by people with three-digit I.Q.s (about 15% of the population). So far however, not very many people have decrypted the parables — mostly because they haven't been trying. There is a tendency for people with an above-average I.Q. to be somewhat dismissive of Christianity. If they do go to church, which is unlikely, they see it primarily as an opportunity to schmooz the bigwigs of the community. They have never read the Bible. The majority of church-goers are unable to articulate a definition of the Holy Ghost. Considering that the Holy Ghost is one third of the Trinity, we would expect somebody to know what the Holy Ghost is. It is remarkable that the Christians are so dumbfounded by such a basic question regarding their religion.

Wondering about the intelligence of Jesus, I read the Bible looking for an embedded inner-message. I can attest that there is no inner-message in the Old Testament — that book really turned me off; it is as bad as it appears to be. On the other hand though, I found and decrypted the hidden inner-message in the New Testament. This is the basis for my religion: Triadism. Jesus' hidden inner-message is hidden no more! It is described right here on this website. Two millennium have passed, so it is about time that the inner-message should be revealed. The Holy Ghost is the key! When you have understood the Holy Ghost, then you will have understood Jesus' inner-message. The Trinity is something very different than what is described by the Christian Church!

The Rosy Crew of the Three Spirits
I, Hugo Aguilar, am using this website to found a secret society. The full name of our secret society is: The Rosy Crew of the Three Spirits. A shorter name is: Triadism. A member is called a Triadist or, as slang: a Trey. Like most secret societies, our goal is to take over the world. To a large extent, the Rosy Crew is competing against the Brotherhood of Death for control of America — and the entire world. May the best secret-society win! (We have certainly got the nicer-sounding name.)

Jesus' inner-message is the outer-message of the Rosy Crew. Triadism is the what everybody who visits this website gets to learn about. This alone is worthwhile. Christianity has brought us only warfare and misery for the last 2000 years. Christianity has got to go! Anybody with a three-digit I.Q. knows that this is true. Even Scott Adams — not a genius by any nation's standards — has figured this out. He wrote a book, "The Religion War," in which he tells us that God does not think like a human. This is remarkable, that a cartoonist should understand that God is something more than a caricature of ourselves. I would have expected him to promote Dogbert into godhood (half of humanity would have been willing to accept this), but instead he tells us that God is not a cartoon character. Apparently, it has become obvious to every intelligent person that we need a new and improved religion in America. Triadism fills the bill; it is the second-stage of Christianity. The first-stage lasted for some 2000 years, which is 1000 years more than Jesus likely planned on. It is time that Jesus' inner-message should be revealed and we should move on to the second-stage of Christianity. This would be worthwhile. For one thing, we will stop beating up on the Moslems — that alone would be indicative of progress!

The inner-message of the Rosy Crew includes instructions for taking over the world. You have to work for a while promoting the outer-message of Triadism before you get the inner-message. This work primarily involves sending copies of the Ramón Ratón pdf to people and encouraging them to read it. Ramón Ratón is quite short at 139 pages. If this is too long, I have another story — The Theater of the Damned that is only 2 pages long. This story is also free to distribute. Being so short it lacks the depth of Ramón Ratón, but it is still a fun story that many people will hopefully enjoy. There is also an essay, The Giving Spirit that is also quite short. In addition to distributing these files, you can also encourage people to visit this website.

Once you have proven yourself to be a worthy member of the Rosy Crew, you will be sent an email describing the inner-message. Most likely, there will be gradations of membership similar to the Freemason's 33 steps. I won't have 33 steps though, because I don't have that many distinct ideas in my head. I also won't make you wear a funny costume and lay down in a coffin for your initiation, like they do at the Masonic Lodge. That kind of ritualistic mysticism was hugely popular in Europe (especially Germany) during the 18th century, and it continued to be popular in America as late as the first quarter of the 20th century, but it has largely died out nowadays. This is the information-age! We don't even need brick-and-mortar lodges anymore. Everything will be done over the internet. Also, unlike the Freemasons, I won't require dues to be paid. This was part of the downfall of the Rosicrucians. Their whole organization became stilted and ritualistic, and they began to require monthly dues, and everybody abandoned them as irrelevant. This is what happened in America anyway. In Europe they went underground — they may still exist — nobody knows. I won't require dues because that would be tacky, but I may sell overpriced t-shirts and baseball-caps. Whenever you start a new religion, merchandizing is an important consideration! I haven't worked out all of the details of my secret-society yet, but there is no hurry. Right now, the important work that needs to be done is to disseminate the outer-message.

Everybody who joins the Rosy Crew is encouraged to install PGP on their computer, and to post their public-key on this website. This website is intended to become a major repository of PGP public-keys. If you need to contact somebody using PGP, you can visit this website and look up that person's name, and obtain his or her public-key here. I haven't got the repository up and running yet. I will need some time to do this. My intention though, is to have a PGP public-key repository here. When you do get an email describing the inner-message, it will be encrypted using PGP. Also, once again, the goal of our secret society is to take over the world. It is important that all discussion of this should be done in PGP-encrypted messages so that the NSA doesn't find out about what we are doing. Any reader who wants to get involved in the Rosy Crew should drop me an email — I have special instructions for you that can't be posted publicly on the website.

Advertising the website
Some months ago I was arrested and jailed by the Lakewood Police in Colorado. All of the charges were eventually dropped. I had to pay my lawyer $3000 to take care of this for me. I was innocent — it was just a wild accusation — but it turned into an expensive ordeal for me. I am trying to make the best of it however, by using this sordid event as a platform for promoting my website. The police officers lied to me during the arrest. They arrested me on three charges of carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. I wasn't carrying any weapons though. All of my weapons were in my vehicle. The officers lied to me and told me that having weapons concealed in a vehicle counts as carrying concealed weapons. This was just a bluff. The law clearly states otherwise. The officers just thought that I was an ignorant street-monkey who would believe anything that I was told, and they expected me to meekly accept the plea-bargain that was offered (plead guilty to one charge in exchange for the other charges to be dropped). I called their bluff and pleaded not-guilty to all charges, and I hired a lawyer to represent me. When I did this, their bluff collapsed and all of the charges were dropped. Now I have written a letter to the Lakewood Police demanding an apology. I am also contacting the media and showing them this letter. My plan is to use this issue with the Lakewood Police to get my foot into the door with the media. Once I am granted an interview, I will talk up my website. This should work pretty well. I was arrested on gun charges, and guns are a fond subject for the Libertarian community. We do have the Second Amendment here in America, which is the most visibly trampled Amendment in the Bill of Rights. I expect that most of the initial visitors to this website will be Libertarian types who heard about the website from my own mention of it during interviews regarding my arrest. You can do your part! Download a copy of my letter to the Lakewood Police and make a print-out of it. Show the print-out to the editor of your local Libertarian newsletter or Libertarian-inclined newspaper, and ask them to publish it. You can also go to your local gun-store and ask the proprietor there to keep a stack of copies of my letter on his counter for his customers to pick up (all gun-store proprietors are Libertarian). These tactics are primarily going to work in the southern and western portions of America (because there aren't any Libertarians in the northeast), and are also primarily going to work in the rural areas. That is a pretty big step toward promoting this website. This tactic with the letter is a lot more proactive than just vaguely hoping that folks find the website through whatever search-engine that they use on the internet.

I have always vaguely wanted to start my own religion. The Lakewood Police incident was largely the impetus for going ahead with this. Previously, I had not wanted to put up a website because I saw it as a waste of time and money, because I had no way of advertising it. Typically, people put buzzwords in their website (meta keywords) and they hope that search-engines will lead the world to their doorstep. The problem, of course, is that everybody is doing the same thing. The search-engines can produce thousands of matches for common buzzwords though. If Jesus Christ were to make his much-anticipated Second Coming today, and he put up a website on the internet, his website would languish unread. How many matches is "Jesus" going to have on Google? Quite a lot, I imagine. Then I got arrested. At first, I was really frosted at the fact that the police had charged me with a doing something (keeping weapons in my vehicle) that the law clearly states is legal. The arrest was just a bluff. I really don't like it when people mess with me like this. I wanted to get those two police officers fired from their jobs. It occurred to me that this was somewhat of a Quixotic pursuit. Revenge is sweet, but it doesn't pay the bills. Thinking thusly, I began to wonder if there might be some way for me turn the whole episode into a profit for my self, rather than just vengeance, which is ultimately a hollow victory. It occurred to me that the letter to the Lakewood Police would gain for me access to the media, which I could hopefully leverage into something useful — so I decided to start my own religion. Also, I could advertise my books, and possibly find a publisher for them, and so I began writing html straightaway. I decided to give up on finding a publisher for Ramón Ratón and just give it away for free. I would then focus on advertising Encryption for Kids and The Invisible Elephant. Giving away Ramón isn't a big deal because writing books is easy. Getting them published is the difficult part. Ramón is only 139 pages long — it is the work of a few days. By comparison, The Invisible Elephant is 625 pages long. An entire winter was required for that hefty tome. I wrote it in South Lake Tahoe while working at the ski resort and, later, at the casino as a cage cashier. Most likely, my upcoming book, Learning to Love Mind-Control — a textbook for the damned, will be of comparable length.

Another advertisement is the three-page essay Why not Hillary?. This essay discusses the Hillary Clinton presidential bid. The reader is encouraged to email this pdf file to people. The essay has a tag-line at the top listing the website as the home of the author. The purpose of emailing this pdf file to people is to induce them to visit this website. We also have the four-page essay The Giving Spirit which is also a freebie. Along the same lines, there is a short story available: Theater of the Damned. the reader is also encouraged to email this pdf to people — it also is intended to induce them to visit this website.

Triadism is a designed religion. Most people who start religions don't really design their message — they just start spouting platitudes. By comparison, I have tuned my religion to the population of the world today. Christianity is big, so I can't just strike out on my own. I have tied Triadism to Christianity by using the Christian terminology — Father, Son and Holy Ghost — but changing the meanings of the words. I think that a lot of people are tired of the war-mongering done in Christianity. They are ready to abandon the idea of a big God (capital 'G') on a throne in Heaven who blesses some people and damns other people. Yet, people aren't willing to abandon the word "Christianity." This is why the Wiccans are always going to be marginal — because they don't allow their followers to continue calling themselves Christian. By comparison, I allow my followers to continue calling themselves Christian and also to continue to use the terms: Father, Son and Holy Ghost — I just change the meanings of all the words.

I have used the word "Rosy" in the name of the religion — "The Rosy Crew of the Three Spirits." The rose, of course, is an ancient symbol of the Goddess. This goes way back to Paleolithic times, several millennium prior to the time of Abraham. My use of the word "Rosy" is a nod to the various Goddess-worship religions that are floating around these days. Also, I recently saw the movie, Sophie Scholl, which was about an anti-Nazi organization called: The White Rose. I have read elsewhere that there were two organizations in Europe at that time: The White Rose and The Red Rose. Both opposed the Nazis. Also of course, we have the famous Rosicrucians of the 17th century, whose name "Rosy Cross" was a blatant hybridization of Goddess-worship and Christianity. All in all, there is a long history of secret-societies that use the rose as their symbol. The Rosy Crew is just the latest on this worthy path.

The Rosy Crew is a throwback to the Rosicrucians of 1616. Their hybridization of Goddess-worship and Christianity worked in the 17th century, and it should work in the 21st century as well. I don't want to create a secret-society that is pure-Christian or pure-Wiccan, because this would just add to the strife and division of our society. To appeal to everybody, and to bring peace to America, we need a hybrid of the two religions. That is what the Rosy Crew offers.

The Secret Hand-Signal
Every secret society needs a secret hand-signal! The purpose of the hand-signal is cronyism. When you go to a job interview, you make your secret hand-signal. If the interviewers are members of the Rosy Crew, they will recognize the signal and will give you preferential treatment. If they aren't, then they won't know that any signal has been made, and they will just treat you normally. Also, if the police stop you, you should make the signal for them — especially if you are carrying guns and/or marijuana. If the police-officers are Treys, they will not search you or, if they do search you, they will turn a blind eye to what you are carrying. You can't lose. At best, you get preferential treatment. At worst, you get standard treatment — which is what you would have gotten if you hadn't signalled at all. You might as well use the signal early and often — it might help, and it can't hurt.

The signal is very simple. You just make a peace-sign with your left hand. This is a V-shape made with your index and middle fingers, with your palm facing your audience, while your other fingers are tucked together. If you are too young to know what the peace-sign is, just watch any documentary from the 1960s, or ask your parents to show you. While you are making the peace-sign with your left hand, you make the Triad-sign with your right hand. Your right arm hangs down beside you in a relaxed manner. You extend your index, middle and ring fingers, with your palm facing away from your audience, while your other fingers are tucked together. This is the sign of the Triad, as it indicates three spirits.

The purpose of the peace-sign, is largely to be a distraction. Most people will focus on your left hand, which you are holding up in front of their noses, and they won't notice what you are doing with your right hand, which is relaxed at your side. A little subtlety goes a long way in regard to secret-society operations!

If you don't want to be subtle, you can just make a three-finger peace-sign. Also, you can buy my t-shirts and baseball caps displaying the rose. That works too.

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