Friday, December 11, 2009

lisp books

I am quite surprised by this. I found ANSI CL extremely good for
learning, provided you are very careful and don't skip any word of it.
It follows a very rigorous sequence, everything is first explained and
then used (PCL, on the other side, has some forward references in the
initial chapters which I found a bit confusing at that time). But since
ANSI CL is a slim book and nothing is repeated, it is easy to overlook
details and get lost. I studied it with an highlighter in hand, marking
the symbol names where they were first introduced, and I liked the result.
On the other side, if one prefers the "huge and redundant" approach,
Wrox-like, then ANSI CL is definitely not recommended.

Anyway, I suggest the following sequence, which worked for me:
Touretzky -> Graham(ACL) -> Seibel.

After that: Graham(OnLisp) for macros; Keene for CLOS.

I had the same experience three years ago. ANSI CL was the
first Lisp book I bought, and it's ABSOLUTELY NOT (!!!) written for
self instruction. I put it away for three years, and only last week
started to work through it again. Now, I have a very high opinion of
ANSI CL -- it's actually a good book with lot's of good explanations
and a good exploration of Common Lisp.

My approach was to read as many Lisp books as I could. Here is my
opinion based on my experience:


Wilensky, Common LISPCraft - Old and cranky, but possibly the best
self-tutorial. Make sure you get the solutions manual.

Winston and Horn, Lisp - Also a good self tutorial. The answers to the
exercises are included in the book.

Seibel, Practical CL - I don't really think that this is a good
introduction for a complete novice. As a second book after an
introduction it's very good at showing how Lisp can be used for
writing real software.

Graham, ANSI CL - Not for beginners, but really does fill in the gaps
for someone who already knows Lisp. I think it's as 'practical' as
Seibel, if not more so, but it's not as user friendly as Seibel.

Keene, OO Programming in CL - An illuminating book on OO
programming ... I've read the first three chapters three times with
worthwhile results each time, and I'd recommend it for programming in
any language.

Lamkins, Successful CL - I purchase this and read through it, but I
can't say it did me any good. This isn't to say it's not a good book,
just that I didn't connect.


Norvig, Paradigms of AI - Some say that this is in the very top
category of computer boo. I'll eventually get around to it.

Barski, Land of Lisp - Not yet published, although 'Casting SPELS' is
available online. I am impressed by it and look forward to reading it.

Levine, Lisp Outside the Box - Not published yet, but eight chapters
are available in draft. I think this will be a good book in the
typical O'Reilly fashion, which is to say tough sledding for the
novice but good for the apprentice Lisper.

Miller, Lisp: Style and Design - It doesn't seem to be available at
all, but from its reputation a profitable book to study.

Best advice: write an hour of Lisp every day. Hope this helps.


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