Friday, November 13, 2009

economics is about production obamanmics is about inflation (yep)

economics is about production obamanmics is about inflation (yep)
Date: 2009-11-13, 8:53AM PST
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Remember the real estate crash was government.
Fanie n freddy from bill clintons law that poor minorities should have a house.
Fed counterfiets fake money.
Fake money boosts house prices and market.
Huge crash.
If governmetn not bailout banks we be fine.
If governmetn wants to do banking then do loans 1%
stop giving money to qausi governmetn agency [banks] that pose as free maerket corps.
law fee [huge shitbobm for ecnomy] and insuance [huge shitbomb] are both governmetn created problems since regualtiosn say you msut have it etc.
capitalism will quickly clear all this up
dems blame capitalism for governemtn failure

also basic money
obama has no money, the governemtn is outa money, what does it do? keep spending givign money to friends for trillions and has fed print trillion more [same as you or me photocopy 100$ bills but for trillions]
thereby stealing ownership from producers who would sell in market and giving to others [fails]
john keynes and keynesian economic simply said to do this
it results in ruin, but america strong enuf with massproduction to absorm some of it
business cycles caused by governemtn sucking up value by stealing using fake money ti prints that can then buy real goods
real progress would be huge fi thsi would stop
look at reagan era
8 years huge peactime growth and standard of living higher for all, even with dem congress overspending
now clinton fail eocnomy [partly hidden by fake net boom]
now bush who foolishly started wars
now obama fail who is spending 4x bush after usa bankrupt, absically giving ownership and value to friends while raising taxes and deficits [yes deficit si simply a tax increace, people must pay it and inetrest you guessed it, in higher taxes, and slick cuz its delayed until obama or whoever gone]
stop spending
privatize stuff
make price of governemtna nd doing business smaller
flat tax
dont make a career outa calcualting taxes
end fraction reseve banking
loan money you have from customers only
then if lose you take hit
then bank careful

these are simply non democrat ideas that work
democrat ideas never work
they have never in history worked
they are fun because you get to steal, as obama and friends are, but avg jow pays, and then deficit make you pay as if tax increace adn interest!

debt is bigge evil bullshit

end banks ability to create debt

bank lawyer and isnurance sit on ass collecting debt payemnts this ruisn ecnomy

removing ti alone would help immeasuably

free market alway screates plenty

governemtn planning created starvation

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