Tuesday, October 28, 2008

have i restarted all of the programs that comprise this app?

03:01:53 PM) bootiack: works when restart tomcat
(03:01:59 PM) bootiack: OBAMA!!
(03:02:04 PM) him_live_up_hill_on_island: DAOH!
(03:02:07 PM) bootiack: heh
(03:02:17 PM) bootiack: but doc goes 'fire up wizard'
(03:02:19 PM) bootiack: !!!
(03:02:25 PM) him_live_up_hill_on_island: DOH!
(03:02:34 PM) him_live_up_hill_on_island: must update document
(03:02:52 PM) bootiack: kick me in the jimmy!!
(03:03:01 PM) him_live_up_hill_on_island: nut punch!
(03:03:07 PM) him_live_up_hill_on_island: take a bow!
(03:05:41 PM) bootiack: humbled
(03:05:48 PM) bootiack: one must be humbled to grow
(03:06:10 PM) bootiack: tree in strongest wind grows most stout
(03:06:14 PM) him_live_up_hill_on_island: That which does not kill me only makes me stronger
(03:06:51 PM) bootiack: question to remeber: what programs comprise this app? Have I restarted them all?
(03:07:07 PM) him_live_up_hill_on_island: Aye'

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