Saturday, May 14, 2011

wealth inequality
« on: Today at 04:28:37 AM »
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I see some interest in philosophy.

I find it interesting that everyone
1 wants wealth for least exertion
2 does not like giving wealth to those who sit idle
3 hates inefficiency
4 hates waiting in line
5 hates things that are illogical and part of the system
6 hates rules imposed by others
7 hates lack of technological progress
8 hates corporations or government making things harder just to snake money
9 hates some being very rich while performing vile-ly
10 hates crappy products and services

why don't people let freedom sort things out?

what problems are there?

why make land a store of value instead of a cheap thing?

if a house was 50,000 not 500,000 wouldnt life be nicer? could pay it off and get on with living...

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