Tuesday, November 23, 2010

(6:42:30 PM) havegot: I dont speak that fucked up opposite trickle down language and people who try to use it to scare me need to take off their cloth

(6:42:30 PM) havegot: I dont speak that fucked up opposite trickle down language and people who try to use it to scare me need to take off their clothes
(6:42:35 PM) mika1 [~mika@adsl-75-18-165-225.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] entered the room.
(6:42:47 PM) Maddy: crazy
(6:43:08 PM) zefyr: cutgovspending, so hey, lets perpetuate war. that would be awesome for defence
(6:43:17 PM) epicurus: cutgovspending, isn't bristol palin dancing tonight? good jackin.
(6:43:29 PM) cutgovspending: tricle down is stpid dem speak
(6:43:36 PM) cutgovspending: austain school econopmics is economics
(6:43:43 PM) sevenless: seriously. the first thing people in economics classes "learn" is about situations under a "free market". WHICH IS TOTALLY MYTHICAL
(6:43:48 PM) zefyr: havegot, does taking off thoer clothed mean something
(6:43:48 PM) cutgovspending: keyensian are nutjobs who were apid by politicans to say
(6:43:53 PM) cutgovspending: hey if u overspend more than u got
(6:43:57 PM) zefyr: clothes^
(6:43:58 PM) cutgovspending: u will stimualte grwoth LOL
(6:44:00 PM) cutgovspending: LOL
(6:44:06 PM) cutgovspending: try that as an indivudual
(6:44:07 PM) cutgovspending: lOL
(6:44:08 PM) cutgovspending: LOL
(6:44:10 PM) cutgovspending: a joke
(6:44:13 PM) cutgovspending: any morn can see
(6:44:15 PM) Maddy: all of the North Face commercials make me want to be more hardcore
(6:44:20 PM) cutgovspending: yet when you say onyl pay people to produce
(6:44:22 PM) epicurus: can we get a kick on the troll
(6:44:23 PM) kunwon1: cutgovspending: could you be less spammy please
(6:44:26 PM) cutgovspending: dont pay anyone to sit on ass
(6:44:27 PM) kunwon1: the enter key is not punctuation
(6:44:30 PM) cutgovspending: thats illogical to communists
(6:44:32 PM) cutgovspending: its amazing
(6:44:33 PM) havegot: no trickle down is the same reversalism that marks the rest of the rascist retarded Republican policies. All logic says one thing, and therefore they believe the opposite and if you dont agree they just call you names. The bastards need to be naked.
(6:44:37 PM) cutgovspending: I mean these are simple basics
(6:44:44 PM) sevenless: Economics is just right wing propaganda. The World Bank and IMF have fucked up so many countries
(6:44:44 PM) cutgovspending: you got joe biden saysing voerpesnding is econoics
(6:44:47 PM) cutgovspending: nonsense
(6:44:53 PM) cutgovspending: any 7th grader cna see hes fulla shit
(6:44:55 PM) cutgovspending: and a moron
(6:44:56 PM) kunwon1: cutgovspending: can you demonstrate that you're not a bot?
(6:44:59 PM) cutgovspending: lol
(6:44:59 PM) blognewb left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
(6:45:00 PM) blognewb_ [~blognewb_@unaffiliated/blognewb] entered the room.
(6:45:02 PM) slimjimflim: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread630146/pg1
(6:45:08 PM) subtitle: [ "By buying a ticket, you gave up a lot of your rights." -The TSA, page 1 ]
(6:45:09 PM) cutgovspending: scinec can make skyscrapers in desert liek las vegas
(6:45:09 PM) zefyr: cutgovspending, so if your mot a keynesian .. you must be a Monetarist. notice that failed last year
(6:45:19 PM) epicurus: slimjimflim, that site is a CIA front
(6:45:21 PM) cutgovspending: yet democrats want usa to be hamstrung by billion shitty commy law s n taxes
(6:45:22 PM) kunwon1: cutgovspending: respond to me now or i am going to assume you're a bot and ban you
(6:45:24 PM) cutgovspending: ruining progress
(6:45:25 PM) havegot: stripped naked chaned together and thrown into a pile, that is the only cure for the rascist retarded Republican disease
(6:45:28 PM) cutgovspending: capitalsits are progrssive
(6:45:33 PM) sevenless: Marx was the only economist who really got it right
(6:45:35 PM) cutgovspending: so much so that progress elaves lazy dems in dust
(6:45:40 PM) slimjimflim: epicurus: well the guy writing the article can be cia or w/e, but he's right
(6:45:41 PM) cutgovspending: crazy buggers
(6:45:44 PM) cutgovspending: well
(6:45:48 PM) cutgovspending: people rae seeing it
(6:45:49 PM) zefyr: havegot, killing half of society is never a good idea
(6:45:53 PM) cutgovspending: thye are sick of bad economy
(6:45:55 PM) havegot: unless they are right and everything is the opposite of how it appears because god is testing us
(6:45:56 PM) cutgovspending: sick of obama lies
(6:46:03 PM) cutgovspending: said can keep plan u got at rpice u got
(6:46:03 PM) kunwon1: cutgovspending: last chance, are you a bot or no?
(6:46:04 PM) cutgovspending: bullshti
(6:46:06 PM) cutgovspending: all going nuts
(6:46:07 PM) slimjimflim: marx wasn't an economist
(6:46:08 PM) cutgovspending: taxing internet
(6:46:11 PM) cutgovspending: that fucking basatrd
(6:46:17 PM) zefyr: sell you soul to save big business. step right up
(6:46:17 PM) cutgovspending: taxing the net is such horse shit

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