Tuesday, January 27, 2009

350,000 irc channels on 768M ram pc

> or have path have like that command somehow, and who for whos logged in
00:39 < the_unmaker> like 30 lines of shell tops
00:39 < the_unmaker> if that
00:39 < the_unmaker> I mean text is so simple I cant believe need megabytes of crap to do a text chat
00:39 < the_unmaker> maybe Im stupid
00:39 < the_unmaker> screw yahoo
00:40 < the_unmaker> some netbsd-er should make like netbsdchat.org
00:40 < the_unmaker> and take over chat market
00:40 < the_unmaker> screw aol too
00:40 < the_unmaker> peolpe are getting caht spam even now its ridiculus
00:40 < the_unmaker> [ok rant over]
00:42 < the_unmaker> how would p4 1.6ghz 30g hd 768m ram handle such chat with ssh jail I wonder
00:42 < the_unmaker> 5,000 users?
00:43 < the_unmaker> 40,000?
00:43 < the_unmaker> 250,000?
00:43 < the_unmaker> would be interesting to see
00:44 -!- zafer__ [n=zafer@styx.tng.de] has joined #netbsd
00:51 < the_unmaker> also how would the os handle 100 people doing a echo >> at almost the same time?
00:51 < the_unmaker> wow
00:51 < the_unmaker> would give the os a workout
00:51 < the_unmaker> disk esp
00:52 < the_unmaker> unless there was a way to avoid disk
00:52 < the_unmaker> and keep only the last 30 line sof each chat in ram
00:52 < the_unmaker> of-
00:53 < the_unmaker> so 30 lines is about 600bytes
00:54 < the_unmaker> 6 10[2nd]
00:54 < the_unmaker> 768M ram 7 10[8th]
00:55 < Viking667> if you consider a IRC message having maximum size of 512 bytes, ....
00:55 < zafer__> good morning
00:55 -!- APz [n=fn-apz@dsl-kvlbrasgw2-fe19df00-212.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #netbsd
00:55 < the_unmaker> 1.1 10[6th] rooms?
00:55 < the_unmaker> without virtual memory considered
00:55 < the_unmaker> so a million cahnnels?
00:56 < the_unmaker> and in bash to keep it in ram I would simply represent the chat as a variable?
00:57 < the_unmaker> channel rather
00:57 < the_unmaker> I mean it would mean throwing away any more that 30 lines
00:57 < the_unmaker> but here in this channel thats all i have roughtly anyhow
00:59 -!- GreaseMonkey [n=gm@121-73-166-241.dsl.telstraclear.net] has quit ["Client Excited"]
01:01 < the_unmaker> so basically
01:01 < the_unmaker> say the avg 30 lines is 1200 byes
01:02 < the_unmaker> 1 10[3rd]
01:02 < the_unmaker> 768M ram is 7 10[8th] so 7 10[5th] or 700,000 channels
01:02 < the_unmaker> cut it in half for os to have some ram
01:03 < the_unmaker> and have 350,000 channels on my p4 1.6ghz 768m ram pc

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