Tuesday, January 31, 2012

fixing everything is ru486 available over the counter yet?

08:35:24 PM) _evil: is ru486 available over the counter yet? (08:37:25 PM) _evil: wna fix unemplyment? end welfare and unemplyment payments (08:37:34 PM) _evil: unemployment goto 0% (08:37:42 PM) _evil: work or starve (08:38:00 PM) ketas: some would die (08:38:10 PM) ketas: well, not actually (08:38:15 PM) AngryKoala: 2% is optimal (08:39:10 PM) az [~az@p54957F3D.dip.t-dialin.net] entered the room. (08:39:40 PM) _evil: privatize dmv and schools (08:39:54 PM) _evil: end all foriegn wars (08:39:59 PM) _evil: nuclea rpower plants by dozen (08:40:04 PM) zorobabel [~zorobabel@] entered the room. (08:40:06 PM) _evil: electirc trains privately created (08:40:08 PM) _evil: n run (08:40:12 PM) _evil: there eveythign fixed

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