Saturday, January 14, 2012


"You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action." - Anthony Robbins Feature Article: New Jersey Leads the Way! One of the most impressive volunteer media efforts last year was initiated by Doug Hartlove in New Jersey. Here's his story of how it was possible. Last January I organized a New Jersey Rapid Response Team (RRT) that has had remarkable results in spreading the FairTax message, including 38 letters to the editor published in 2011 and online postings generating dozens of comments! As the coordinator, I would send the RRT members a link from New Jersey newspapers on the 15th and 30th of each month. I included guidance on word limits and gave specific instructions on where to send the finished letters. So that other team members could continue learning about the FairTax and writing letters to the editor, we distributed our letters to each other. Each team member knew they would get two links to target publications each month and the preparation they needed in order to begin writing their letter. Volunteers found the work to be fun and rewarding while not being over burdening due to a limited scope. The end result was that thousands of Americans have seen our FairTax letters to the editor, making this project's ground game a very worthwhile endeavor. Doug Hartlove Do you want an easy way to influence people around you? Write a letter to the editor with these quick tips here! The Grassroots Spotlight - Al Ose We asked the top FairTax letter to the editor expert, Al Ose, to explain the secret to his success. We FairTaxers have a burning desire to pass the FairTax plan and writing a letter to the editor releases some of that energy and feels great! In order to create interest in a letter to the editor it's helpful to start out with a current event or problem and thread the FairTax into your story. This approach allows the writer to describe how passage of the FairTax might impact the event and solve the problem. As you write your letter you may determine that you need to conduct additional FairTax research. Well researched and factual statements will always make for strong letters. Keep in mind, not all letters will be printed, but don't become discouraged. Keep writing! When the paper's editor sees more and more letters on the FairTax, they will be more inclined to publish more opinions. Lastly, I can't tell you how important numbers are. When your newspaper starts printing multiple FairTax letters from different people, we'll gain more credibility and many new supporters. I began writing letters to the editor in January of '99 when I realized I could reach a much larger audience for the FairTax using newspapers as a communication vehicle. I quickly realized that writing letters to many editors provided compound interest. I researched and found email addresses for newspaper editors. During the past ten years I've sent letters to these 81 editors across Wisconsin. To date I've had at least 156 letters published. Best regards, Al Ose The FairTax in the News End tax blame game by enacting Fair Tax - ...This holiday (a cut in Social Security payroll deductions) is a political blame game with both parties trying to win votes, but not helping the people who rely on Social Security. This so-called holiday will cause underfunding, and will hurt unemployed or retired workers who no longer contribute to Social Security. Let's find a better solution. Take a bold approach to business expansion in this country by enacting House Resolution 25, "The Fair Tax." The Fair Tax (a national sales tax proposal) would eliminate the Internal Revenue Service, all federal personal and corporate income taxes, and all federal payroll taxes - while being revenue neutral. With Fair Tax enactment, corporations could plan for the future. Foreign investors would put money into the U.S. economy, while hard-working people will be able to work for themselves instead of the government... 'Fair Tax' deserves to be considered, not ignored - News-Sentinel ...If you can keep all of your paycheck, they point out, you'll have more money to spend. With corporate taxes eliminated, companies would stop sheltering their cash offshore, using it to create jobs here. In fact, supporters insist, studies indicate that passage of the fair tax would result in more revenue for the government, higher incomes for workers and retires and would result in increased philanthropy despite the elimination of deductions for charitable giving. What's more, they say, the fair tax is progressive - a byproduct of the wealthy buying more stuff and so-called "prebates" - a monthly return of sales tax revenues based on the size of families. You've got to admit, there's a certain appeal to being able to control your taxes simply by controlling your spending. What's more, Armstrong pointed out, the fair tax is consistent with the Constitution's original intent... The January FairTax Webinar With Special Topic: How the FairTax Neutralizes Tax Lobbyists When: Thursday, January 26, 2011 Time: 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 6 pm Mountain, 5 pm Pacific Where: At your personal computer anywhere! Why: To provide an interactive forum for people who cannot get to local meetings to learn about the FairTax and to present special topics that are frequently misunderstood or not generally discussed. Who: Join Marc Manieri, Americans for Fair Taxation Community Coordinator in the Greater Orlando, Florida area. In their third year now, Marc's webinars draw national participation from seasoned FairTax supporters as well as those just getting introduced to the FairTax. Join: To participate, register here. For more information contact Larry Walters at Featured Video: Woodall consumption vs income speech House Floor Speech: Taxing Consumption vs Taxing Income. "We can do things, here in this house today, that guarantee a better economy in years to come." - Congressman Rob Woodall Ways to Engage: - Contact Congress Advocacy?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=121 - Engage and get updates on Facebook - Follow us on Twitter - Find a local leader - Distribute handouts - Get FairTax gear - Send an e-card - Join FairTax 2012 - Contact the media - Calculate your rate - Get FairTax graphics - Watch the webinar - Understand basics - Join FairTaxNation Featured Paper: Letter to the editor tips Letters to the Editor Tips

1 comment:

Seeker said...

First of all, Fairtax is a giant pile of bullshit.

Yes, it sounds great. But read the fine print. Massive and impossible taxes on all cancer victims, all nursing home residents. It doesn't matter if the person only has 10K a year income, they could easily be liable for 30K in taxes, just on their cancer surgery and chemo.

All medical consumption, without exception, is taxed. WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Doesn't matter if you make 5million, or 5K a year, you are liable for the massive taxes on health care, regardless of who pays for it.

Your insurance pays for it? Maybe medicare? Maybe NO one pays for it? Doesn't matter, idiotically the "person using the service or consuming the goods" is liable for the tax hereby imposed -- no exceptions.

And this lunacy/ deception is how their tax tables add up. It's not only in the fine print, it's how their math "adds up".

And that's just the start. All military wages, pensions, and benefits -- even death benefits -- are taxed, again no exceptions.

Oh you thought it was a retail sales tax on personal spending? Hell no, that's only PART of it, in fact, the personal retail sales tax part of Fairtax is only about 1/5 of it. 4/5 of Fairtax has nothign to do with retail personal sales.