Sunday, July 10, 2011

review of the vanishing tower

AWEsome exotic high adventure, unique magic system, intellectual flair, July 10, 2011
microsoft is not monop (Los Angeles CA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Vanishing Tower 4 (Paperback)
If you like whiny fantasy where pages are spent on the character as fi they are unergoing psychoanalysis and are a ttoal pussy by all means read mccafferey or brooks like the 1 star guys says to.

If you like high adventure. Jack Vance. Robert e howard. perhaps glen coosk black company you might like this.

Also if you like powerful characters involved in quests this is good stuff.

If you are a lover of endless political crap and the ignoring of any one character doing anything because that is too egotistical and everyone si equal then no you won't like this.

There is a heavy dose of what haters call elitism. Characters are not ordinary or interchangable. Characters are unique and go against low to impossible odds.

There is no wakky romance butting its head in every 5 minutes.
No emotional tirades.
No hardened warriros wondering if "I'm good enuf" and other bs.

Just exotic high adventure by an author who says often in 1 paragraph what others say in 10 pages.

Stunning that these have not been made into movies.

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