Sunday, December 13, 2009

explain why support Palin? easy: capitalism

simple: they are capitalist, no tax and spend ruin the economy type like obama and the idiots who caused the housing bubble [thanks clinton] by saying since we want poor to have a house, we will simply have the government; yes fed and fannie freddy are government, photocopy money without producing anything, prices ran up, and nothing was produced! bam economic nuke! all austian schoolers saw it coming, because austrian school/supply side is economiocs, the stuff taught at princeton from john keynes is just politics -- a lame excuse to print money without producing anything -- and now idiots want to give fed mroe power? WTF!! they caused this mess and gr8 depression since fed established 1913 nothing but counterfeiting money by politicains! do less of all that a la reagan and get reagan miracle: lower prices adn more growth and economic production! every time its tried it works and communism fails every time!

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