Thursday, November 12, 2009


Date: 2009-11-12, 6:43PM PST
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I know a lot of you women and some weak-minded guys will read this and call me all sorts of names like woman hater, woman basher, bitter misogynist and any other mischaracterized name.

Nearly every woman in L.A. is nothing more than recycled garbage (the exceptions are: spiritually grounded women [notice I didn‘t say religious,] super obese women [lots of overweight girls are sluts], hideously ugly or disabled women).

I don’t care how much of stud you think you are your female counterpart is getting fucked or has been fucked exponential more times than you ever dreamed.

When it comes to the sex instinct, women are far more animalistic than men. Why do you think women become prostitutes? Primarily, because they are emotional and love to fuck!

Pimps (male or female) know this basic truth about women and exploit it for their personal financial gain that’s why women that are involved in that game, may initially convince themselves that the pimp cares about them and what she is doing is part of a bigger plan to improve their lives together.

Men, on the other hand, only constitute a very small percentage of prostitutes (this group is dominated by gay sex addicts), because men have logical rational minds - a man would never self-deluded himself to risk life, personal safety or health only to hand over the all the fruits of his labor to another person - that arrangement would never make sense in the male mind.

BTW pimps are not just black guys that dress funny. I once had a female friend that was a registered nurse that was pimping 3 young women on the side. Basically, she found 3 young ladies that love to fuck and provided apartments, clothing and a car in exchange for them working for her. Also, there are plenty of hoes that hold 9 to 5 jobs, but owe thousands of dollars in tuition loans and are paying off their debt off by selling their ass.

Anyway, this rant isn’t about prostitution but the female mindset - the self-deluded mind.

Sluts rationalize their behavior by calling themselves a “feminist” or “independent”. Many others only count sex in a committed relationship as “real “ (they love to call it “love making”), and convince themselves that all the one night stands, internet hook-ups, random blow jobs given to the cute guy at the club, orgies, threesomes, moresomes and lesbian tryst were just fucking and since it wasn’t “love making” and they weren’t emotionally invested it doesn’t count.

That’s why whenever you asked a woman how many times she has had sex you will always get a low ball number NEVER THE TRUTH, because in her deluded self-serving mind she has only had sex with 5 guys (the other 600 people didn’t matter, because she didn’t love them). Also, women definitely don’t count the guys, where something sexual happened, but she wasn’t completely satisfied (guys with erectile dysfunction, guys too small or too large or guys that simply have no clue how to satisfy a woman - these guys alone are about 75 percent of her sexual encounters).

Guys, so if you meet an attractive “normal” woman that has been single for 2 or more years, chances are she has had many, many lovers and has done it all many times over; age, race, socio-economic status, education level none of that matters they are all whores.

Eventually, the woman will have a moment of clarity, this may happen while she is on her period (downtime), after the third or fourth abortion, or she may come face to face (meeting someone just like her, or hearing someone talk about someone identical to her) with the ugliness and emptiness of her existence.

After her “moment of clarity” she will go see a doctor to patch up her ravaged pussy and clean out her polluted womb, change her ways - no clubbing or bar hopping , lose weight or gain weight (if certain drugs were involved), exercise, slow down or completely stop drinking, attempt to date a different type of guy, possibly start going to church, basically try anything to improve her self-image.

At some point, some clueless guy will buy into her re-created image, want to marry her and have children (though natural childbirth is out of the question for the skankest of the recycled skanks).

Caveat emptor guys, you are getting recycled garbage, she will never be faithful to you, she wasn’t to the “5 “ guys (boyfriends) she had sex with and she won’t be faithful to you either. Plus, you will be getting an angry bitter bitch that is filled with regrets.

Why the long post? Because I am tired of reading all the bullshit spin by women and gullible guys.

Remember guys the age of the woman doesn’t matter, she could be 23, 27, 30, 35 or 40 years old if she has been single over 2 years and is a socially active person everything I said above applies.

I am not endorsing this behavior (because its illegal), but the guys that hook-up and want relationships with 15 and 16 year old women are getting the best women have to offer.

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