Sunday, July 4, 2010

re: BUSH'S ECONOMIC MELTDOWN PERSISTS. Date: 2010-07-04, 9:24AM PDT Reply To This Post I know this thinking thing may be a little daunting for you, b

Date: 2010-07-04, 9:24AM PDT
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I know this thinking thing may be a little daunting for you, but let's see if I can help you burn the dust off your cranium.

If this economic meltdown is Bush's fault, explain to me - Einstein - why it has also infected Europe, UK, Iceland, etc., ad nauseum? Was Bush the President of those countries? I think the answer is no.

The true cause of this meltdown? Greed. Making profits out of thin air. Exporting jobs so you can buy plastic consumer crap on the cheap. The middle class has been destroyed - and continues to be destroyed - by our CONgress who could give a shit about any one of us, including the unemployed. If they really cared about the unemployed, you would have immigration reform approved months ago. Didn't happen. What is conveniently forgotten is that there has been a Democratic controlled CONgress for nearly three years. Their few "successes" revolve around record breaking debt and deficits, high theater CONgressional "hearings" lambasting the Goldman Sach executives (the source of Obama's economic advisers and Treasury secretary), and blaming the Republicans for everything. The "transparency" we were all promised never materialized. Mr. Obama even continued the policy that unraveled Habeas Corpus - taking it all the way to the Supreme Court.

This is total hypocrisy of the platform he campaigned upon. Oh... no. He's "cleaning up Shrub's mess". At a certain point, that blame-game has to stop and governing has to take over. If it doesn't (and by now it should have), it's officially his fault. He's a third of the way through his Presidency.... isn't it time for him to take control? Bush had Katrina. There were protests in the street and the news was covered with stories of his "uncaring and incompetent response". Today we have the oil spill. Other than a lame speech and some mean words, what's happened? Not much. Oil skimmers from around the world - refused. Why? Because the water coming out of their systems wasn't "pure enough". So, I guess, oil, benzene and oil dispersant moving unchecked towards our shores is a better choice. Right? I think not. This isn't a leader, he's a poseur.

Let's really tax your brain now.... The ZIRP (zero interest rate program) that the Fed has in place does what... make cheap mortgages? Nope. Secretly that, too, was for the benefit of the banks - not you. They still have an almost 5% point spread between the free money they get from the Federal Reserve (which is actually your money) and what you pay. Your credit card interest didn't go down, did it? Nope. It's still up in the nose bleed seats @ 30%. What went down was the interest paid on deposits. Essentially, the bankers are getting free money, at yours and your grandparent's expense, so they can buy homes in the Hamptons. The result? Lower consumption of goods, fewer restaurant visits, and burgeoning unemployment. The middle class was sold out. The wealth they had has been destroyed and shifted into the pockets of the greedy. The jobs that once allowed people to make decent livings (auto manufacturing, television manufacturing, furniture making, textile mills, garment industry) have all vanished in the name of profits. Don't believe it? Take a look at corporate profits. They are currently at record levels - in an economy that has bled out and is looking for a place to fall. This is exactly what many warned us about - the handing off of the government to the industrial/military complex.

The puppet masters have done a remarkable job at fragmenting this country. Red states/blue states. Gays vs. straights. Immigration. The unemployed vs. the employed. They have splintered us to the point where we no longer speak in a single voice. Elections have become reactionary - like we're voting for American Idol, not those who make decisions that affect our lives every day.

No, child. The world is a complex place. There are people, such as George Soros, that have an agenda all their own. Don't know who he is? One, he's a good buddy of and major contributor to Mr. O.... and he's also about as evil as one can be.

It is time to take our country back - if it's not already too late. It's time to speak in one voice and select representatives based, not on party, but ideals. Put your personal issues aside for awhile, as most of them aren't that important in the current scheme of things. Start thinking, reading, and listening. Impeach those who mislead you into voting for them. The time for being passive is over. That is unless you want to live inside the pages of George Orwell's 1984.

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