Sunday, January 24, 2010

What is Obama's Problem? It is quite simple... (SFV)

What is Obama's Problem? It is quite simple... (SFV)
Date: 2010-01-24, 7:39PM PST
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Obama is your typical arrogant, know-it-all college professor who believes he has all the answers and everyone else is stupid. However, it is Obama who lives in a bubble. The world, as taught in academia, is one of concepts, ideals and theories...NOT reality. That is why some of our best Presidents have been "simple" men. Not particularly educated, but in-tune with the people and informed about the real world, not the misleading one perpetuated inside the walls of colleges and universities. Someone once said, "Communism is alive and well on the campuses of liberal arts college and state universities throughout America." This is true. Obama holds that socialism is the only way to go; democracy is an utter failure. He is sadly mistaken and the American people are letting him know it.

This is why, ladies and gentleman, you must know who you are voting for. I firmly believe most Americans had no idea who or what Obama was when they cast their vote in November 2008. Most voted for Obama, not because they liked him, but because they wanted to vote AGAINST Bush who wasn't even running! The country was caught up in, hopefully, you have snapped out of it. Starting now, get your head out of the TV, and LEARN about future contenders for the office of President. Who are they? What are they? Do they actually like this country, or do they wish to force a radical agenda down everyone's throat throwing our country into total chaos?

We have three more years of Obama....let's pray he doesn't do anything that isn't beyond repair. Our children and out children's children are counting on us....

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