Tuesday, January 19, 2010

LETS GIVE CONGRESS THE FINGER IN 2010 (1 down 400+ to GO!)

LETS GIVE CONGRESS THE FINGER IN 2010 (1 down 400+ to GO!)
Date: 2010-01-19, 7:45PM PST
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With all 435 seats in the House of Representatives up for grabs and one third of Senators up for re-election this year, this is the perfect opportunity for all Americans (regardless of political party) to put up or shut up.

Almost 2/3 of all Americans hate the healthcare reform bill that is being pushed down our throats, the reasons vary, but most think the bill stinks (personally, I hate the fact that for the first time in American history over 30 million Americans will be forced by law to purchase a product from a private entity and both house and senate bills are filled with some many loopholes illegal aliens will be covered. They are not going to close those loopholes in joint conference meetings).

The bums need to be kicked out for the following reasons:

Iraq and Afghanistan Wars - These costly and deadly unpopular excursions into foreign lands are not about protecting America. They are about protecting Israel and enriching a few multinational companies. If this country was serious about stopping terrorism, our southern border would be sealed and our troops would be deployed there to protect America from drug dealers, murders, rapists, and interlopers. Destroying Afghanistan to find a little over 100 Al Qaeda members is a fool's quest. You don't have to be genius to realize a terrorist organization can operate in any country. Both Bush and Obama administrations have failed to explained to the American people what defines "victory" in both wars.

Cap and Trade - Legislation basically meant to reduce greenhouse emissions. It is ridiculous to believe one country can stop global warming, especially in light of emerging industrial giants like China and India, they are polluting this planet far more than the U.S.A. Global warming may or may not be real, but "cap and trade" legislation will create over 100 new real taxes for companies and individuals. Taxing the hell out of Americans will not save the planet.

Amnesty 2010 - Over 70 percent of Americans do not believe lawbreakers should be rewarded. In fact, more Americans than ever are calling for mass deportation of anyone that is here illegally.

TARP and Stimulus Bills - As far as TARP is concerned, Americans disagreed with rewarding and helping shysters and schemers. The government claimed that companies like AIG were too big to fail, but granted TARP money that allowed large banks to buy up smaller banks and become mega banks? And no one has went to jail! Stimulus money did save a few jobs, but the government wiped out those gains by granting over 1 million work visas to foreign nationals in 2009.

Bottom-line, our politicians quit working for "Joe Public" decades ago. Congress is controlled by greed and self-interest. Congress takes the public and voters for granted, because we foolish vote the same people in over and over again.

A lot is on the line for this country in 2010, we can maintain the status quo or have our politicians fear and respect us again, it is all up to us!

There is no reason to vote for the incumbent this year, no one currently in Congress is worthy of your vote.

I realize that some voters really like their congressperson, but the culture has to change in Washington, D.C., and the only to way change will come about is by creating massive and historical change, sure some lesser culpable members of congress will lose their seat, but the message that WE MATTER is more important than a few "good" people remaining in office.

If you agree with the above, or most of it, please post in other cities.

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