Friday, June 22, 2012

destroying another commy in comedy rant lolz

(9:07:25 PM) The topic for ##freebsd is: Welcome to ##FreeBSD || 8.1 sysret fix to be rereleased | Latest Security Advisories 2012-06-12 || 9.1-RELEASE is late Summer || RTFM: || off-topic #not-##FreeBSD || For advocacy join #freebsd-advocacy || grats to t_j (9:07:47 PM) chaotic_good: so netbsd performance > freebsd now? (9:08:16 PM) frogs: caesius: what does file show the program as? sometimes i've seen people have to run "brandelf" on linux programs for various reason, maybe they need it (9:08:38 PM) frogs: caesius: it might also be opening it from a shell script of similar that gets natively executed and not redirected (9:11:06 PM) chaotic_good: (9:11:10 PM) chaotic_good: WOW (9:12:30 PM) frogs: chaotic_good: freebsd was fast in comparison to some other os in the past, no longer true (9:12:34 PM) nezZario: ehhh i don't see that (9:13:11 PM) frogs: chaotic_good: on average, freebsd syscalls are six times slower than linux (9:13:21 PM) nezZario: which is :( (9:13:51 PM) nezZario: i'm a diehard netbsd fan,.. but i can't fathom netbsd being faster than freebsd on general benchmarks .. if it's true though, it's true (9:13:55 PM) frogs: other oses have had people working on improving speed, but we have not even enough people to keep up with software/hardware changes (9:14:49 PM) nezZario: that's painful, .. I love *bsd in general (9:15:13 PM) nezZario: not so much in love for openbsd. but, it's not bad. some serious diehard folks workin over there (9:17:02 PM) bambanx left the room (quit: Quit: Saliendo). (9:17:29 PM) mobilegamelabs [~anonymous@unaffiliated/mgl] entered the room. (9:17:42 PM) chaotic_good: I think solaris sucks ass (9:17:51 PM) chaotic_good: and deadrat n u-bung-2 (9:17:57 PM) chaotic_good: bsd and archlinux (9:18:15 PM) nezZario: chaotic_good: you like arch as a bsd user? (9:18:41 PM) chaotic_good: if linux then arch (9:18:44 PM) chaotic_good: its most stable (9:19:06 PM) nezZario: when it has to be linux, i seem to lean towards debian as imho it's the only linux with a sane pkg manager. but in all honesty I don't know crap about arch .. just never seen bsd people mention it before (9:20:43 PM) haroldp: So a disk died in my zpool. They are all labeled with gpart. I assume I need to do the gpart create/add/label dance before I 'zpool replace' it? (9:23:30 PM) chaotic_good: (9:23:36 PM) chaotic_good: no (9:23:40 PM) chaotic_good: debian is a great evil (9:23:47 PM) chaotic_good: more evil than democrat party (9:23:54 PM) chaotic_good: debian is like redhat (9:24:04 PM) chaotic_good: excep even more random (9:24:15 PM) chaotic_good: arch has all the fun and most stable code (9:24:47 PM) illuminated: well I wouldn't say the Democrat party is evil (9:24:50 PM) cacho left the room. (9:25:08 PM) illuminated: they're the lesser evil of the 2 major parties (9:26:25 PM) illuminated: the republicans, if left to their own devices, would have us living like the people in indonesia (9:26:32 PM) chaotic_good: greater you mean (9:26:36 PM) illuminated: a country ruled by corporations without worker rights (9:26:38 PM) chaotic_good: republicans want everyone to be rich (9:26:46 PM) chaotic_good: dems want everyone to be poor (9:26:59 PM) illuminated: no republicans kiss the ass of the rich so they'll line their own pockets (9:27:18 PM) chaotic_good: no the repubs want everyone to be rich (9:27:22 PM) chaotic_good: to mvoe up (9:27:25 PM) illuminated: republicans just kiss the rich's ass so some of the rich's money will trickle down into their own pockets. That's their idea of trickle down economics (9:27:53 PM) illuminated: this isn't the channel to get into this (9:28:08 PM) illuminated: meet me in another channel and we'll talk about it if you're interested (9:28:21 PM) illuminated: just pick the channel and we can talk about it (9:29:04 PM) nezZario: #arguingontheinternetispointless (9:29:54 PM) illuminated: but I fail to see how a party that wants to provide food stamps for poor people who couldn't otherwise provide food for themselves or their families and paying for it by taxing businesses and rich people is 'evil' (9:29:58 PM) illuminated: seems humanitarian to me (9:30:53 PM) illuminated: if you starve to death, you're definately not going anywhere (9:31:00 PM) illuminated: whether it be up or farther down (9:32:14 PM) chaotic_good: capitalism is humanitarian since it gets rid of laofers and infaltion caused by gov overspending (9:32:22 PM) chaotic_good: eveyone gets rich and had price of producing (9:32:29 PM) illuminated: not all poor people are loafers (9:32:38 PM) chaotic_good: trickle down communism never worked and never will (9:32:38 PM) illuminated: maybe you should work a minimum wage job and see what it's like (9:32:45 PM) chaotic_good: oh yes they are in usa (9:32:53 PM) chaotic_good: why would I ? (9:33:00 PM) qoreQ: there's good and bad things about both parties (9:33:00 PM) chaotic_good: I make 10x min wage (9:33:01 PM) illuminated: to see what it's like for poor people (9:33:05 PM) chaotic_good: I did when young (9:33:08 PM) qoreQ: but why talk about it in a freebsd channel? (9:33:10 PM) chaotic_good: the poor are lazy in usa (9:33:20 PM) erkin left the room (quit: Quit: Ouch! Got SIGABRT, dying...). (9:33:24 PM) illuminated: the poor work harder than the rich (9:33:31 PM) illuminated: they're far from lazy (9:33:40 PM) chaotic_good: in real consittiional world in usa no public school and police and fire private 0 pensions for anyone and 0 $$ to univeristies (9:33:44 PM) chaotic_good: no one leaofsing (9:33:47 PM) chaotic_good: loafin (9:33:53 PM) anub|s [] entered the room. (9:33:55 PM) chaotic_good: everyone be massively richer (9:34:00 PM) chaotic_good: massively mroe innovation na tek (9:34:10 PM) chaotic_good: free software is ultimate software capitalism (9:34:19 PM) chaotic_good: add value to existing capital and sel all u can (9:34:20 PM) chaotic_good: awesome (9:34:30 PM) chaotic_good: th epoor dont work much at all (9:34:32 PM) chaotic_good: thats why poor (9:34:38 PM) chaotic_good: all actin is not productive labor (9:34:43 PM) chaotic_good: there is the nuke to nuke marx (9:34:47 PM) illuminated: wouldn't be innovation because most of the 'innovators' families couldn't afford to send their children to school so the innovators wouldn't have an education and there'd be no innovation, but as a right-winger I wouldn't expect you to understand that concept (9:34:47 PM) anub|s: is there any impacts to putting MAXCPU=64? (9:35:06 PM) chaotic_good: exactly (9:35:09 PM) chaotic_good: inovation by millions (9:35:13 PM) chaotic_good: many more small biz (9:35:18 PM) chaotic_good: no gov enforced mopnop (9:35:22 PM) jhell: that is pretty far from understanding the ramification of this extremely complicated subject. (9:35:24 PM) illuminated: no because people would be illiterate (9:35:27 PM) chaotic_good: no wankers liek ellison getn all bank$$$ (9:35:42 PM) chaotic_good: sshoot larry ellison!!! (9:35:43 PM) chaotic_good: :) (9:35:49 PM) chaotic_good: end all foriegn aid (9:35:52 PM) chaotic_good: including israel (9:35:53 PM) jhell: far beyond ##FreeBSD (9:36:02 PM) illuminated: i know i wanna take this somewhere else (9:36:03 PM) chaotic_good: I love netbsd (9:36:07 PM) chaotic_good: I love freebsd (9:36:10 PM) chaotic_good: openbsd not bad (9:36:13 PM) jhell: SFW (9:36:14 PM) illuminated: i told him to pick a channel and I'd talk about this (9:36:21 PM) chaotic_good: ok (9:36:32 PM) chaotic_good: join communism (9:36:32 PM) jhell: how about #SFW ! (9:36:37 PM) chaotic_good: I shall fix your miseducation (9:36:39 PM) chaotic_good: further (9:36:49 PM) jhell: thats funny (9:36:56 PM) illuminated: yeah quite (9:37:03 PM) chaotic_good: rachel maddow arrgant confident miseducated type (9:37:04 PM) jhell: should be enlightening to ssay the least (9:37:05 PM) chaotic_good: dumb as rock (9:37:08 PM) jhell: lol (9:37:09 PM) chaotic_good: but confident shes right (9:37:15 PM) chaotic_good: until she has to get edge of her own bs (9:37:16 PM) chaotic_good: lol (9:37:24 PM) chaotic_good: move 20 homeless into mrachel maddows house!! (9:37:32 PM) jhell: any relation to n3td3v ? (9:37:33 PM) chaotic_good: move 20 homeless into rachel maddows house!! (9:37:34 PM) chaotic_good: lol (9:37:38 PM) chaotic_good: im laughing sooo hard (9:37:56 PM) illuminated: I can't debate someone who's brainwashed (9:38:04 PM) chaotic_good: you are miseducated and brainwashed (9:38:13 PM) jhell: chaotic_good, take it somewhere else (9:38:14 PM) chaotic_good: you have confident belief in economics thats are wrong (9:38:23 PM) chaotic_good: I said join communism channel (9:38:25 PM) chaotic_good: im there (9:38:27 PM) chaotic_good: waiting (9:41:29 PM) itaylor57 left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving). (9:44:26 PM) illuminated: just as a I thought (9:44:28 PM) illuminated: a retard (9:44:33 PM) chaotic_good: you are insane retard (9:44:34 PM) chaotic_good: lol (9:44:37 PM) chaotic_good: and very dumb (9:44:42 PM) chaotic_good: cracked liek nut under rpessure (9:44:43 PM) chaotic_good: lol (9:44:49 PM) chaotic_good: im laughing my ass of at you (9:44:52 PM) chaotic_good: you cant argue (9:44:55 PM) chaotic_good: gota call named (9:45:00 PM) ***haroldp blinks (9:45:00 PM) chaotic_good: lllolll (9:45:02 PM) illuminated: the very interent you're using was developed with funds from the US government paid for by taxes so stfu (9:45:12 PM) chaotic_good: funds went where? (9:45:19 PM) chaotic_good: to a corporation (9:45:22 PM) chaotic_good: bell labs (9:45:25 PM) illuminated: the BSD operating system was developed at UC Berkley with government money from tax dollars (9:45:27 PM) chaotic_good: where production got DONE (9:45:28 PM) illuminated: you're such an idiot (9:45:32 PM) chaotic_good: remember bill clinton was a moron (9:45:46 PM) chaotic_good: he had huge lazuie faire unregualted new amrket come into being in his time called the internet (9:45:55 PM) chaotic_good: and rest was republcain congress (9:45:58 PM) chaotic_good: WHEW weeeee (9:46:01 PM) ***haroldp blinks (9:46:05 PM) chaotic_good: ron ragan best economy since 1800s (9:46:07 PM) chaotic_good: yep (9:46:17 PM) chaotic_good: fdr prolonged great depession 12 years (9:46:21 PM) chaotic_good: no bailouts done in 1 (9:46:29 PM) chaotic_good: liek obama tard (9:46:32 PM) chaotic_good: yes (9:46:36 PM) blakkheim: t_j Dianora anyone want to do something about this (9:46:37 PM) chaotic_good: ragan was best growth ince 1800s (9:46:42 PM) chaotic_good: no clintons economy was not better (9:46:46 PM) chaotic_good: yes capitalism makes ll rich (9:46:53 PM) illuminated: and where are you from? (9:46:55 PM) chaotic_good: yes republicans want everyne to be rich (9:46:59 PM) chaotic_good: dems want everyone poor illoomn8 illuminated (9:47:14 PM) chaotic_good: its sad miseducated morons like illuminated cant get kindergarden concepts straight (9:47:23 PM) illuminated: where are you from? (9:47:26 PM) haroldp: I don't know if it should be lower, or higher, exactly... (9:47:33 PM) chaotic_good: remember fascism was left wing (9:47:38 PM) haroldp: but someone's medication needs an adjustment. (9:47:39 PM) chaotic_good: big governemtn running business (9:47:50 PM) chaotic_good: captialism is way otu from nazi/cmmy/facists/socailsit sillynes (9:48:05 PM) illuminated: where are you from? (9:48:11 PM) chaotic_good: there was an econmoics system tried in 19th century and faield miserably: socialism (9:48:19 PM) chaotic_good: as it did in every other centry (9:48:21 PM) chaotic_good: :) (9:48:27 PM) chaotic_good: usa (9:48:27 PM) jhell: chaotic_good, as said before... take it somewhere else (9:48:39 PM) chaotic_good: jhell: tell him too (9:48:47 PM) haroldp: wait. who was socialist in the 19th century? (9:48:55 PM) illuminated: he's an idiot (9:49:01 PM) jhell: both of you two. soemone has to step up and be the bigger brother or sister... (9:49:04 PM) chaotic_good: nah u are (9:49:07 PM) illuminated: he's brainwashed by the republicans there's no hope for him best to let it go (9:49:10 PM) chaotic_good: no you are (9:49:13 PM) chaotic_good: I am genius (9:49:23 PM) chaotic_good: you are miseducated wanker (9:49:28 PM) haroldp: s/genius/high/ (9:49:34 PM) jhell: lol (9:49:49 PM) haroldp: seriously... (9:49:58 PM) haroldp: <-- free market libertarian (9:50:07 PM) haroldp: but you are high, and acting like an ass. (9:50:09 PM) jhell: o gfl (9:50:15 PM) haroldp: take that shit somewhere else (9:50:32 PM) chaotic_good: objectivist anti israel polytheist <<< who respect single tax ideas of henry george, and genius football n baketball stud (9:50:37 PM) haroldp: ah (9:50:42 PM) jhell: ------------- END OF SUBJECT HERE ----------------------- (9:50:45 PM) haroldp: "objectivist" (9:50:50 PM) haroldp: that explains it (9:50:55 PM) chaotic_good: < not a communist pussy (9:51:20 PM) haroldp: == Rand cultist (9:51:58 PM) illuminated: well I'm a Democrat but that didn't stop me from putting a knife through an Iraqi's throat when I was there (9:52:01 PM) chaotic_good: read aryn rand book capitalism th eunknown ideal (9:52:04 PM) chaotic_good: its 100% corrrect (9:52:08 PM) chaotic_good: except for pro israel stuff (9:52:11 PM) chaotic_good: its spot on (9:52:37 PM) chaotic_good: the anti capitalist mentality by von mises good too (9:52:57 PM) chaotic_good: I vote republican and for ron paul and voted for arnodl and ross perot (9:53:00 PM) chaotic_good: oh yeahhhh!! (9:53:12 PM) chaotic_good: im not a bedweeting socialsit wanker (9:53:30 PM) chaotic_good: objectivist (9:53:31 PM) chaotic_good: yeah (9:53:36 PM) chaotic_good: do yourself a favor (9:53:46 PM) chaotic_good: actually be intellectual and read ayn rand book (9:53:52 PM) chaotic_good: the decide for yourself (9:54:08 PM) chaotic_good: look at DMV vs wal mart (9:54:35 PM) chaotic_good: home schooled kids 25% better in school than government grip schools (9:54:45 PM) chaotic_good: hek 1600 SATS nonstop by home schoolers (9:54:45 PM) illuminated: with the use of incorrect grammar and spelling disabilities I'd guess you were some hillbilly from Tennessee or some place like that that's never read Rand or read anything because it's too 'difficult' for you to get through, and I doubt you make 10x minimum wage. (9:54:52 PM) chaotic_good: yeah typing is pelbian skill (9:55:00 PM) chaotic_good: and Im laughing so much at you who cares (9:55:13 PM) chaotic_good: pedantic detail is not being intellectual (9:55:18 PM) chaotic_good: when will dems get that? (9:55:26 PM) chaotic_good: most educated people vote republican (9:55:34 PM) chaotic_good: most engineer and scientists (9:55:36 PM) illuminated: actually, most educated people are liberal (9:55:39 PM) chaotic_good: most MBA and businessmen (9:55:42 PM) chaotic_good: msot CEO (9:55:52 PM) chaotic_good: most people who produce something (9:55:56 PM) chaotic_good: leeches vot democrat

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