Saturday, March 19, 2011

oracle solaris veritas microsoft too ricky for enterprise

when you stop paying for extortionist support

you are screwed

pay small # of devs admin OVER market

stop being shithead and hiring army of app support engineer and crappy admins

you get big mess

outages all the time scuased by not being patched up to date firmware and not ahving licenses

stop using app clustering liek veritas clsuter its bug hill as is solaris oracle microosft

stop makign devs quit

maangement is resposible for these outages

hire small # admins n coders pay OVER market and use free software

all your support even stuff u pay for is gone since u not patched thats thier excuise

nonstop outages

u shhitheads

also sop usign crap liek sugarcrm sharepoint jira

you msut optimize data for QUERY not EZ input u fucking fools
make rigid structure TREE wher eu can find docs of type say server lsit in 1 palce or build web based databas eof the info
DONt throw ton of shti in sahrepoint and think your slick u fucking retards
querying = hours of time for everyone
x1000 big company
build a fucking database and or have rigididly predefine stree of wher eto find docs

u shitheads

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