Sunday, June 27, 2010

RE:RAVE: I totally get the black lifestyle now (Los Angeles)

RE:RAVE: I totally get the black lifestyle now (Los Angeles)

I've been laid up for 1 month with an injury...on disability the whole time. All you do is drink and smoke weed all day and take painkillers! Then you look for bitches to fuck! You can sleep all day and go out all night! It's freakin' awesome!! You stupid white people who are slaving away are wasting your lives. I'm telling as cheaply as possible, get on some kind of government program where you can at least have your own room and some fresh clothes and some cologne and get to gettin' wasted and F****ing bitches. Wake up whitey! What's even better is you can find bitches that actually have jobs and want to take care of you....then you just use the shit out of them! I'm telling you, this is the honest to God's truth. I've met more women now because they feel sorry for me and see me as a "rescue". There's two ways to meet women: either you're rich as shit or your down and out. If you're in the middle, they couldn't give a shit less about you. This is for all you middle class single white dudes who are trying to make it. Wake the f up!

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