Friday, March 19, 2010

welfare state

think about it

I think that paying people to not produce anything is dumb. There is limitless work to be done since there are unlimited wants. the problem is people getting paid to do jack shit or shuffle paper. Government specializes in this as do non competitive industries, the legal profession, and insurance and banking. Milton friedman videos on youtube or are fun to check out. If more freedom is allowed then people are not forced to buy bulshit. The bad 'businesses' fade, and only those who are chosen by people really voting democratically: with thier hard earned cash, prosper. Let the wana be self proclaimed intellectuals scream all they want that the masses have no taste. We don't want thier taste forced on us. Medicine you say? Get rid of the AMA and train 20,000,000 new doctors. If docs are needed pay them more and you will see people flooding to become one. Don't require 10 years of education before medical school. Start kids at 14. This whole useless high school and BA is waste of time. video tape lectures and have labs. Put info online. The obsession with grading and gpa is lame. Either you get 100% right or you retake the class until you do. That is how classes should be. You can't be in 3rd year math if you got D in first 2... crazy. Let education get cheaper and let market in. Unemplyed? construction jobs. No welfare. Welfare is paying people to not work. No. Everyone gets a construction job making more clean low cost housing.

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