Sunday, January 25, 2009

netbsd error: x11-links-0.42 requires X headers to be installed

if you use base x11 then possibly you didn't
(2:44:47 AM) phadthai: install the xcomp set
(2:44:47 AM) phadthai: 05:28 in which case you could untar it using tar xzpf xcomp.tgz -C /
(2:44:47 AM) phadthai: 05:28 (-p flag important)

(2:46:50 AM) phadthai: the_unmaker: the xcomp.tgz file should also be found in sets from i386 4.0.1 at
(2:47:13 AM) the_unmaker: untar?
(2:47:14 AM) phadthai: to /, with -p flag
(2:47:19 AM) phadthai: with tar right


dollar_democrat said...

other netbsd tips:

mixerctl -w outputs.headphones.mute=on
[turns off sound]

vesa for xf86 works

to unpack the man page set:
tar xzpf man.tgz -C /

#export PKG_PATH=
[for using pkg_add before you setup pkgsrc]

dollar_democrat said...

postinstall check
then runn commadn it gives you

then tar up /etc and run etcupdate, 40 "i" later ..

dollar_democrat said...

< netbsder44> I had to copy manually
/usr/src/x11/lib/fontconfig/etc/fonts.conf to /etc/fonts/
also here, and modify it to add a few more font paths though
20:35 < netbsder44> for fc-cache to find all fonts

dollar_democrat said...

then run fc-cache

dollar_democrat said...

./ -O ../obj -T ../tools -x -U build && ./ -O ../obj -T ../tools -x -U install=/